Gaining Through Losing-平井堅空耳-中文谐音

買古裡哭路 kii塞足勾鬥你
口弄太嘎啦 口報來哦七路某弄
他幾鬥嗎裡 夫裡咔哎來吧
撒米西該你 報哭報米太路
一子某 一子帶某
後口來路某弄我黑頭促 西嗯幾帶kii大黑比
咔開嘎哎弄那一 某弄鬥哦某五
一嗎弄西 不嗯那啦吧
嘎木下啦那 叫我耐促撒哎
那子咔西古 哦某五黑嘎kii帶某
西子咔那路 足又撒西買他
鬥某西比我 咔嘎該帶一又我
幾又五 阿一九我 太吧那西大頭
kii哈 幾買帶 嗖弄一米我 西路
一大米鬥又嘍勾 比哇嘎幾阿一
kii子那夫咔買他 西鬥弄
咔咋路口頭那一 口頭吧弄子不
一嗎某木 耐你大一帶…
阿嗎古某kii來太 西嘎裡那撒四
大一幾嘎五大一 哈幾買路…
We've been gaining one good thing through losing another.
I'm so proud to be with you,my love.
Now you know the meaning of SUNSHINE AFTER RAIN.
Let me tell you LIFE IS GOOD, my friends.
We've been gaining one good thing through losing another.
I'm so proud to be with you,my love.
Now you know the meaning of SUNSHINE AFTER RAIN.
Let me tell you LIFE IS GOOD, my friends.
We've been gaining one good thing through losing another
I'm so proud to be with you my love
Now you know the meaning of SUNSHINE AFTER RAIN
Let me tell you LIFE IS GOOD my friend