End to Start-NCT 127空耳-中文谐音

I know 頭嗎來吧撒kii五耐 特 嗎哭嘍呀米太某Fight it
咔該嘍弄又你又啦一太路 報呀開他米啦一你木咔帶
One way road 哇咔帶路 開嗯九一幾傢Lame
It’s one way road 那嘎哭太 開哇西米七太某
One way road 撒嘎塞 幾不嗯大蓋弄Style太
一次大太Be myself
Gotta end it tonight to start again
Ready for a new flight, time for a slayin’
七啦吧路太嗯我塞嗯 帶子那古七 一次那古Chain 
哎嘎kii大四買嗯弄五外太哦鬥來哎 黑頭吧嗯九哦鬥來
鬥口你一他太kii米你某頭鬥開 哈裡呀該路口外
kii米弄嗎嗎帶嗖來大開哇嗎某太 We go hard now
Gotta stay strong What I built 在嘍你某鬥西Ground up
頭嗎鬥一那嗯太 某呀西那Bun dem呀米kii裡撒一帶
哈幾買路New phase (Auh)It’s new phase, comin’ up
又路嘎哦哇路休嗯咔嗯你 買弄嗎哎黑嘍嘎路蓋西給 Yes, I see
撒kii哇夫他西咔阿 頭某鬥裡那西大 
嗖來帶某一米 帶路撒黑咔裡哇
Finding my own way to make it 他比嘎口哇一那啦
What I’m living for 黑鬥次某咔哇啦那一Ma heart
嘎哇啦那一Ma heart
Gotta end it tonight to start again (end to start)
Ready for a new flight, time for a slayin’ (end to start)
一嗎一路吧休某哇路哭那一biu五 大來咔嘎又五
一勾口七某 一開鬥木那西哭那路 Baby it ain’twhat I do
後咔弄大來弄某弄帶某那一嗎一拉夫 他大咔蓋怒蓋他一
他哦來嗖那鬥kii你哇kii米嘎一路 You and you and you, yeah
Finding my own way to make it 大比嘎口哇一那啦
What I’m living for 黑鬥次某咔哇啦那一Ma heart
嘎哇啦那一Ma heart
Gotta end it tonight to start again 
Ready for a new flight, time for a slayin’
Gotta end it tonight to start again
(The origin will begin)
Ready for a new flight, time for a slayin’ 
Gotta end it tonight to start again
Ready for a new flight, time for a slayin’
Gotta end it tonight to start again
(The origin will begin)
Ready for a new flight, time for a slayin’