Oh please don't let me die
Waiting for your touch
No don't give up on life
This endless dead end
哭路大 鬥蓋一kii咋木 一弄七
口報 來帶古 kii哦古 鬧森那
買 吧 哎大 哦某一 嗎帶
耐哎 勾嗯那你呀 蓋那古
kii哎帶西嗎 五 鬧
I wish I was there
Oh please don't let me die
Waiting for your touch
你鬥鬥 那你某 那哭撒怒要哦你
哇大西我 哇蘇來帶 哈幾買帶 restart
No don't give up on life
This endless dead end
kii米我 哭大哭 口弄嘎那西米 嘎
一 子嘎 哦哇裡嗎 四又你
For now I'll see you off
My time is spinning around
Your deep black eyes
I forgot what time it is
And our memories are gone?
阿嗎一 嘎哦 裡哈 那子
子一 奧古到 一五那 弄哇那
撒嗖 哇來 鬥啦 哇來
那在 阿啦嘎哎毛塞 子嗎大
哦報來帶 西嗎五 弄
I wish you were here
Oh never close your eyes
Searching for a true fate
鬥勾咔 給哎他 阿弄怒哭某裡我
哦一 嘎蓋 促足蓋帶 米五西那五restart
So let us try again
From the very first time
kii一鬥 kii一鬥 嗖哦 呀帶一嗎某
木那 西一 哇後哎嘎 一帶路
For now see you again
Fading in fading out
Fading in fading out
I wish we were there
阿弄hii比你哇 某鬥來那一
鬥給哇 子要古 咔那西古子要 古
大大 大大 四四嗯帶 右哭大蓋 restart
No don't give up on life
This endless dead end
夫裡嘎 哎啦那一
嗖 嗯那子要撒我
大 來某 米那哎嗯 幾帶路
For now I'll see you off
And we'll die
Waiting for a new day
And we'll start
Waiting for a new day
Oh please don't let me die
kii哎 那 一 帶 ah