Various Artists – Free-Out 2023 Cypher English Translation Pinyin Lyrics


Free-Out 2023 Cypher Lyrics – Various Artists
Singer: Various Artists
Title: Free-Out 2023 Cypher
Yao guai jiu guai women guoqu tai kangkai
zaici jijie wei ni dakai bei ji ta zhuangtai
在哪里有障碍 把哪撞开 我们打上台 你马上摔
zai na li you zhang’ai ba na zhuang kai women da shangtai ni mashang shuai
别那么快在原地装死 还得给你抬上来
bie name kuai zaiyuan di zhuang si hai de gei ni tai shanglai
You know I’m back
zuanyan san ya de sanliu zhuanjia
faxian women tai shuaile
suoyi ni jiu kan bu guan ma
dan wo you ge zhong wanfa
yuancheng touxi tu lian dan sha
wei ni shangyan tiannu san hua
laozi da fei yi kun dan jia
就那么扎眼 镜头拉远 打不打脸
jiu name zhayan jingtou la yuan da bu da lian
四方八面 旗帜插遍
sifang ba mian qizhi cha bian
women xia yi zhan xiongba tianxia
geci he melody
zuo hangye li de Netflix
women yong bai fen bai weili
xian wa suidao zai kai feiji
zai gei ni wa er lai yiduan jinguzhou
laozi jiushi nimen zui nan ken de yinggutou
You know? But!
Wo bu hui shangtou yixie keyi de gongji
baochi hexie de fengqi
是吧隔壁的兄弟?What up
shi ba gebi de xiongdi?What up
我是个天生的小坏蛋 大大的冒失鬼
Wo shige tiansheng de xiao huaidan dada de maoshigui
生活如果不够抓马 我会觉得没滋味
shenghuo ruguo bugou zhua ma wo hui juede mei ziwei
我把稳定都留给恒星 把躁动留给我
wo ba wending du liu gei hengxing ba zaodong liu gei wo
那些冲动过的曾经 就像少年骑鬼火
naxie chongdongguo de cengjing jiu xiang shaonian qi guihuo
我在干你不敢干的事情 走出浪浪山
wo zai gan ni bu gan gan de shiqing zouchu lang lang shan
shei**de xuyao naxie bu qie shiji de anquan gan
马儿都脱僵了 嬉皮士爱的是乌托邦
ma er dou tuo jiangle xipishi ai de shi wutuobang
治得好脸上的痤疮 治不好心里的伤
zhi de hao lian shang de cuochuang zhi bu hao xinli de shang
How u feel how u feel
Kc superdope
我的tag只要在 就是最招牌的菜
wo de tag zhiyao zai jiushi zui zhaopai de cai
Be like 我的vibe 它们一个二个三
Be like wo de vibe tamen yige er ge san
chi bu dao de dou shuo putao suan
jiayou ba bide pan
i am right here ****
嗯 饼都被我画了我怎么刹车
n bing dou bei wo huale wo zenme shache
ye 一共几个bar 我就把你*了
ye yigong ji ge bar wo jiu ba ni*le
嗯 再喝10个shot你也是个巴哥
n zai he 10 ge shot ni yeshi ge ba ge
BigYear da nian:
几年前被叫做小孩 现在是年哥
Ji nian qian bei jiaozuo xiaohai xianzai shi nian ge
口水歌赚了太多钱 是我的前科
koushui ge zhuanle tai duo qian shi wo de qianke
这些钱赚了太多年 蛋糕都咸了
zhexie qian zhuanle tai duonian dangao dou xianle
naxie kanbuqi wo de koushui zhiliu dishangmian quan shi zhan de
听说啊都喜欢来一些火药味 那我来搞点
ting shuo a dou xihuan lai yixie huoyaowei na wo lai gao dian
谁跟你keep real 哥们和你一样都很喜欢表演
shei gen ni keep real gemen he ni yiyang dou hen xihuan biaoyan
我从来不奢望 营销号能别针对的描写
wo conglai bu shewang yingxiao hao neng bie zhendui de miaoxie
yi bang rapper jia de jiu xiang zhuangzhe xuesheng mei de xiao
他们都看似狂飙 但实际李友田
tamen dou kan shi kuangbiao dan shiji li youtian
ji ge kai ge falali de rapper cou bu chu pijiu qian
哥们像重回市场 要不让你调研
gemen xiang chong hui shichang yao bu rang ni diaoyan
哥们有点小钱 大四也比较闲
gemen youdian xiaoqian da si ye bijiao xian
去年的一月 哥们嘴里 血一丢丢的流
qunian de yi yue gemen zui li xue yi diu diu de liu
我拒绝手术 但哥们现在壮的像头牛
wo jujue shoushu dan gemen xianzai zhuang de xiang tou niu
gemen zhishi naozi limian duole san limi de liu
wanquan bu yingxiang wo ti chu na ke**ni de qiu
turn on the microphone hold one night
ting ting nimen mei tingguo de guai swag
怪帅的great guy boi you need to learn
guai shuai de great guy boi you need to learn
chunzheng de weidao chongmanle zhijia feng
愣 神 的总好过假认真
lengshen de zong haoguo jia renzhen
任他风吹雨打 也没有转过身
ren ta feng chui yu da ye meiyou zhuanguo shen
水太深 都拜神的签卖身契 不打一处来人神共愤
shui tai shen dou bai shen de qian maishen qi bu da yi chu lai renshengongfen
分分合合 合合分分 你算老几
fen fen he he he he fen fen ni suan lao ji
要牢记 be street dog 路上好挤
yao laoji be street dog lushang hao ji
没毛笔 你画的国画就像印刷机
mei maobi ni hua de guohua jiu xiang yinshua ji
廉价的大卖场 甩卖的好消息
lianjia de da maichang shuaimai de hao xiaoxi
何必苦苦挣扎 相爱相杀 狂轰乱炸
hebi ku ku zhengzha xiang’ai xiang sha kuang hong luan zha
太平洋的** 管不了的 你的想法
taipingyang de** guan buliao de ni de xiangfa
搞的不是出家 就是学人留起长发
gao de bushi chujia jiushi xue ren liu qi zhang fa
wo chuanzhuo xizhuang jiao ni shenme jiaozuo hiphop
yong en Joannne:
Ohh she been looking at me saying
“U r so shining!”
Smooth 坐在这鼓点
Smooth zuo zai zhe gudian
feel like Vibing with u
muguang zai houmian de ju lang
patient for my wave
dongfeng ta hui song shangmen
huojian fangxiang ni zenme zhui
无法匹配 我们不是同一个段位
wufa pipei women bushi tong yige duanwei
一样词句挂着一样的tunes 真的让人听着反胃
yiyang ciju guazhe yiyang de tunes zhen de rang ren tingzhe fanwei
笔下 诗篇不写 给任何人排位
bixia shipian bu xie gei renhe ren pai wei
kehua li linghun xiang jiang huaping cai sui
xianzai quandou haoxiang ting ge shuochang bian de ting dao kuaizui cai juede duo bang
nandao zhege shi shuochang yinggai you de yangzi?
这样的话 那我不仅给你唱个
Zheyang dehua na wo bujin gei ni chang ge
Melody rap 偶尔再变个样
Melody rap ou’er zai bian ge yang
玻璃窗 是你膜拜的模样
boli chuang shi ni mobai de muyang
背景 她写的歌在播放
beijing ta xie de ge zai bofang
Im in the game and I want another round
Fashion Angel Level
jieshou Medal
You’d better keep running
Aint no settle
Let Go Battle
peach U better keep running
Lil Howcy:
胜利尝起来“Too sweet ” i’m in bullet club
Shengli chang qilai “Too sweet” i’m in bullet club
百发百中我的手 像 库里太热
baifabaizhong wo de shou xiang ku li tai re
尖子班里的教授 教 无敌的课
jianzi ban li de jiaoshou jiao wudi de ke
ni bu fuqi ye que guli xiang bei guli de she
dai hei shoutao chi pisa wo zai yidali
xian miaole zhege banzou murder dui jia dou zai jihua li
tamen yao kao waibiao xian qu pi hua bi
我kill的眼都红了 call me 一打七
wo kill de yan dou hongle call me yi da qi
你站不稳的靶子 我打保龄球
ni zhan bu wen de bazi wo da baolingqiu
So balling and chill
你很boring 很旧
ni hen boring hen jiu
就连刀柄 都锈了
jiu lian dao bing dou xiule
想逃命 没救了
xiang taoming mei jiule
119叫辆车 跟热度往后撤
119 jiao liang che gen redu wang hou che
只因 双脚 踏在原地 不会飞的bird
zhi yin shuang jiao ta zaiyuan di bu hui fei de bird
我厚积薄发 翅膀硬 先让Lady first
wo houjibofa chibang ying xian rang Lady first
插进铁王座的剑 不用强调的King
cha jin tie wangzuo de jian buyong qiangdiao de King
Hiphop aihao xina Dragon ta shi wo de Queen
GG. Zhang siyuan:
Shi shei zai shuo FreeOut tai ruanle
zhenshi po de hao yishou zang shui
在那bla bla bla bla 嚯哗 *** 够掌嘴
zai na bla bla bla bla huo hua*** gou zhangzui
他们在喝汽水 看我们享受酒香美
tamen zai he qishui kan women xiangshou jiu xiangmei
他们整天Gang Gang Gang Gang
tamen zheng tian Gang Gang Gang Gang
dan juzhe cui pi shouqiang tui
来嘛来嘛来 又是这个甜甜情歌王
lai ma lai ma lai you shi zhege tian tian qingge wang
18年的非主流 结局元元全全拎个房
18 nian de fei zhuliu jieju yuan yuan quan quan lin ge fang
那些haters 羡慕嫉妒 嘴硬 红眼眶
naxie haters xianmu jidu zuiying hong yankuang
现在说唱听我的 而且青春有你吗?
xianzai shuochang ting wo de erqie qingchun you ni ma?
如果强硬是刀 那我温柔是毒药
ruguo qiangying shi dao na wo wenrou shi duyao
起跑线 Face to face 冠军不会被change
qipaoxian Face to face guanjun bu hui bei change
不掉链 Chase the pace 坐应有的位置
bu diao lian Chase the pace zuo ying you de weizhi
We don’t give a ****
那些门外汉太 boring
naxie menwaihan tai boring
天台上对话 对不起我是梁朝伟
tiantai shang duihua duibuqi wo shi liangchaowei
Give me one more shot
风流倜傥 汤米谢尔比
fengliu titang tang mi xie er bi
也趟过那不容易 时来天地皆同力
ye tangguo na bu rongyi shi lai tiandi jie tong li
er wan:
Jiu bie zai gen wo qu liao shenme zui chunzheng de wei erle
jiu kuai dian guolai rang ni wan ge gei ni qi ge fan er ba
可能你还不明白 这到底算是啥天赋
keneng ni hai bu mingbai zhe daodi suanshi sha tianfu
无论是什么方式 老子随便拿捏住
wulun shi shenme fangshi laozi suibian nanie zhu
xianzai de rapper huaji dao xie ge fan zidian
尽管你包装华丽 但没法过质检
jinguan ni baozhuang huali dan mei faguo zhi jian
genben jiu bu hui dui ni daji**cai hui kou ziyan
laozi bu ai chou zhonghua zhi ai chou**heizi lian
yinwei muzhongwuren suoyi yin lai jihen
wo baochi ji ke tongshi wo hai baochi xingfen
就继续猜忌吧 早就习惯议论
jiu jixu caiji ba zao jiu xiguan yilun
sheng xia de dongzuo da di na ni da ke bubi wen
让我kill 这个Beat 看我收放自如
rang wo kill zhege Beat kan wo shou fang ziru
前功 尽弃 再给你做个记录
qiangongjinqi zai gei ni zuo ge jilu
劝你 谨记 像我们自给自足
quan ni jin ji xiang women zi ji zizu
FreeOut的Free ** 给老子记住
FreeOut de Free** gei lao zi ji zhu
zao an:
naughty boy cute boy shy boy fancy boy all theboys standby
shenme di shang dixia fanzheng kan women ao daole xianzai
hiphop是恋爱 钱是groupie
hiphop shi lian’ai qian shi groupie
ni jinqu de yangzi tai nankan
nan ban? Nan ban? Nan ban jiu bie ban la
xiao ganzimen
chumen du gei wo xiaba tai dao
lao ganzimen
rang tamen zhidao xianzai shi nage lai ge
从岗子村 17年欧拉 我觉得你玩的还不够大
cong gangzi cun 17 nian ou la wo juede ni wan de hai bugou da
xiao**xiang chi miantiao gun dao houmian pai dao
去年从武当山燥到南山林 今天带你逛逛栖霞寺
qunian cong wudang shan zao dao nanshan lin jintian dai ni guang guang qixia si
老子半小时挣的一沓子嘛 踩到直接一八四
laozi ban xiaoshi zheng de yi da zi ma cai dao zhijie yibasi
没时间续攀西 大冒险还是真心话
mei shijian xu pan xi da maoxian haishi zhenxin hua
wo shengyin da shi yinwei laozi zhen de shengyin da
bazi litou mei de yinyue
ni shuo “wo zai zhuiqiu ting gan”
wo jiushi xianzai ba wo de flow fang man yibai bei ye neng cai de zhun ni xinkan
every body sing dat ****
liang ba dao de xin zhan yue
ni jiu zheme xiang bei*ma
na jiu jin wan yeah
Ice Paper:
Zai zhang de juqing zonggui hui you weisheng zhe yimu
我们选择走一步 偶尔停一步让它慢一点结束
women xuanze zou yibu ou’er ting yibu rang ta man yidian jieshu
xiang yeman ren ban de jichang lulu
dan yonggan de wu bing jiluzhe
bichuzhe bei shijie yiwang de puti shu
游遍海岛 目的是前人留下的金银财宝
you bian haidao mudi shi qian ren liu xia de jin yin caibao
zai yong zhangxin rong cheng na yikuai kuai jin tie xinzang de huaibiao
zai bu qiyan de guaijiao mai hao
谁又会来寻找 谁又敢来搜索
shei you hui lai xunzhao shei you gan lai sousuo
不计后果的点起篝火 尝尝百草
buji houguo de dian qi gouhuo chang chang baicao
何不让我们觉醒起来 不管你们是第几代
hebu rang women juexing qilai buguan nimen shi di ji dai
干嘛要嬉皮笑脸说着 还要为伪神做礼拜
gan ma yao xipixiaolian shuozhe hai yao wei wei shen zuo libai
既然最传统的传递 都像是生了病
jiran zui chuantong de chuandi dou xiang shi shengle bing
那么就避开我的宿命 废除这眼狩令
name jiu bi kai wo de suming feichu zhe yan shou ling
和器乐签个契约 在紫薇花开的七月
he qiyue qian ge qiyue zai ziwei hua kai de qi yue
qijie yue lai yue xique hai yao bei shidai chaofeng xixue
yingmian he taiyang duizhao
zhouye bu fen jiu duidiao
si kai shikong de suidao
jiejin yongheng de Free-Out
gao tian zuo Trouble.Z:
Ba wo de chouma zai lei gao yidian
zhunbei suishi gen ni allle
xiang yao zai fan qian jiu qi wo ge 3Bet
wo yong yi miao zhong jiu gen ni callle
women shi zhongguo dui zhizao de
dan yao zhuan de dou shi Dollar
zai haishang duiwai zuo maoyi
nimen mai de dou shi Cover
二万BoomBap没有对手 哪怕名字叫做Melo
er wan BoomBap meiyou duishou napa mingzi jiaozuo Melo
早安要赢个大满贯 不然满足不了胃口
zao an yao ying ge da man guan buran manzu buliao weikou
rang Paper qiao ge Beat ma na ge jinqu jiang shi suishou
因为 Kandi是原子弹 一起flyfly把你们都炸飞咯
yinwei Kandi shi yuanzidan yiqi flyfly ba nimen dou zha fei ge
TGK让Rapper Idol 全都集体皱起眉头
TGK rang Rapper Idol quandou jiti zhou qi meitou
九万feel so sexy 悄悄住进你的Radio
jiu wan feel so sexy qiaoqiao zhu jin ni de Radio
Big Year不** 老天爷给他开了Window
Big Year bu** laotianye gei ta kaile Window
Busta ta you de zhuan er Rap shi ta yewan di meijiu
Howcy Da King 他是King 带着劲 我们膀子硬
Howcy Da King ta shi King daizhe jin women bangzi ying
没有艺术家的命 但是大多数都带点儿病
meiyou yishujia de ming danshi da duoshu dou dai dian er bing
liuyan bu jin
wo shuo pengyou yao buyao jinnian chuan kouqi
qi nian mo ge chang pai bu rongyi
dui ba LightZ
dou shi qiang kou wei de Fish
wo zai Button gen ni SlowPlay
lai ma xiang yao xuexi yixia mafan zhe bian shoufei
我不爱Ko对手 我爱对他们说Ok
wo bu ai Ko duishou wo ai dui tamen shuo Ok
dan xiang yao gandiao wo ma
wo de chang pai gaosu ni
No Way
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Free-Out 2023 Cypher – English Translation
To blame, we blame us in the past too generous
Get together again to open the state of Vegeta
Where is there any obstacle to get rid of?
Don’t pretend to be died in place so fast and you have to lift you up
You Know I ’m Back
Three -stream experts who have studied three pressures
I found that we are so handsome
So you can’t get used to it
But I have various gameplay
Remote Sneak Attack Single Single Single Kill
Staging for you
Lao Tzu hits a bundle of a bundle of magazine
Just look at the lens and pull the face to face
Insert in all directions
We will dominate the world next stop
Lyrics and Melody
NETFLIX in the industry
We are 100 % powerful
Dig tunnel first and then drive the plane
Give you a baby’s tight curse again
Lao Tzu is your hardest hard bone
You know? But!
I won’t go on some suspicious attacks
Keep a harmonious atmosphere
Is the brother next door? What up
I am a natural little bad guy
If life is not enough to catch the horse, I will feel no taste
I leave my stability to the stars and leave me restlessness
Those impulsive once like teenagers riding ghost fire
I’m doing what you dare not do out of Langlang Mountain
Who needs those sense of security that is not cut into actual?
The horse is stiff that the hippie loves the utopian
The acne on the face can not cure the injuries in the heart
How u feel how u feel
KC Superdope
As long as my tag is the most signature dish
Be like my vibe, one, two three
Those who can’t eat it say that grape acid
Come on, Peter Pan
I am right here ****
Um, the cakes are painted by me, how can I brake
Yee a few bar, I will take you*
Hmm, you drink 10 shot, you are also a Paiga
A few years ago, a child was called a younger brother now
I made too much money to make too much money.
The cakes have been earned for too many years of money are salty
Those who look down on my saliva are all sticky above
I heard that I like some gunpowder flavors. Let me do something
Who likes you, Keep Real, like you like you
I never hope that the marketing number can be targeted at the description
A group of rapper fake is like a young girl with a student girl
They seem to be soaring but actually Li Youtian
Several Rapper who opened a Ferrari can not make a beer
Buddy is like returning to the market, or let you investigate
The buddy is a little money and the senior is more idle
Last year, the blood in the mouth of the buddy’s mouth was lost
I refuse to surgery but the buddy is now strong like a cow
The buddy is just a three -centimeter tumor in his head
It doesn’t affect my play at all.
Turn on the microphone hold one night
Listen to the strange Swag you have never heard
Strange Great Guy Boi You Need to Learn
The pure taste is full of nail seams
San God is always better than false and serious
Ren the wind and rain, and did not turn around
The water is too deep to worship the sign of the gods, and the deeds do not hit the people and gods.
Divided into combination and combination, you are the old age
Keep in mind that beings are squeezed on the road
The Chinese painting without writing brush is like a printing machine
Good news of cheap hypermarkets selling
Why bother struggling to love each other and kill each other
The Pacific ** Can’t control your thoughts
What is done is either a monk or a scholar left long hair
I am wearing a suit and teach you what is hiphop
Yongen Joannne:
Ohh she ben looking at me saying
“U R SO Shining!”
Smooth sitting at this drum
Feel like vibing with u
The giant waves in the back
patient for my wave
Dongfeng it will send the door
How do you chase the direction of the Rocket
Unable to match, we are not the same position
The same word is the same tunes that makes people look nauseous
The poems in the pen are not written to anyone else
Drawing the soul in the soul wants to step on the vase
Now it’s all like listening to rap and hearing fast mouth, so I feel great
Is this what the rap should have?
In this case, I will not only sing you
Melody rap occasionally changes again
Glass window is what you worship
The background she wrote a song is playing
Im in the game and I want another rand
Fashion Angel Level
Take over Medal
You’d better keep running
Aint no settle
Let go backle
Peach u better keep running
Lil HowCy:
Victory tasted “TOO SWEET” I’m in Bullet Club
My hand is like Curry too hot
Professor in the top class teach invincible lessons
If you are not convinced, you also lack encouragement like an isolated community
I eat pizza with black gloves, I am in Italy
First second, this accompaniment Murder is planning to home
They have to go to the flower arm first
My Kill’s eyes are all red, call me
You stand unstable target, I play the babies
So balling and chill
You are very old and old
Even the handle is rusty
I want to escape, I haven’t saved it anymore
119 Call a car and the heat to withdraw from the heat
Just because your feet are not flying in place, Bird, which will not fly in place
I have a thickened wings and the latch first let the lady first
The sword inserted into the iron throne does not need to be emphasized.
Hiphop hobby to absorb Dragon, she is my Queen
Gg. Zhang Siyuan:
Who is saying that freeout is too soft
Really splashed well with dirty water
Bla Bla Bla Bla 嚯 嚯 在 在 在 在 在
They are drinking soda to watch us enjoy the beauty of wine
They gang gang gang gang all day
But holding a crispy pistol leg
Come on, come, this is the king of sweet love song again
18 years of non -mainstream ending Yuan Yuan all carried a house
Those Haters envy and jealous mouth
Is the rap and listening to me and youth have you?
We we free free and they out out
If tough is a knife, then I tender is a poison
The starting line Face to face champion will not be change
Do not drop the chain chase the page where you should sit for
We do n’t give a ****
Those who are outside the door are too boring
Dialogue on the rooftop is sorry I am Liang Chaowei
Give me one more shot
Romantic 谢 Tomacelby
It is also the same when it is not easy to come to the world when it is not easy
Don’t talk to me anymore, the purest taste
Just come over and let your brother give you a fan, right?
Maybe you don’t understand what kind of talent is this
In any way, I just hold it casually
The current rapper is funny to writing songs and dictionaries
Although you packaged gorgeous, you can’t have a quality inspection
I won’t hit you at all, and then I will pick the eyes
Lao Tzu doesn’t love to smoke China, but only loves to draw ** sunspots face
Because there is no one in the eyes, it attracts hatred
I remain hungry and thirsty. At the same time, I still stay excited
Just continue suspicion, I have been used to discussing
If the remaining movements are large, you don’t have to ask
Let me kill this beat to see me freely
Give up before you give up and give you a record
I advise you to keep in mind like our self -sufficiency
Freeout’s free ** remembers Lao Tzu
Good morning:
naUghty Boy Cute Boy Shy Boy Fancy Boy All the Boys Standby
What are the ground underground?
Hiphop is love money is Groupie
What you go in is too ugly
Difficulty? Difficulty? Don’t do it if it’s difficult
Small pole
Give me a chin and lift me when I go out
Let them know which one is now
In the 17th year of Gangzi Village, I think you are not playing big enough
Xiao ** I want to eat noodles and roll it to the back
Last year, I took you to Qixia Temple from Wudang Mountain to Nanshan Forest
I made a stack I earned in half an hour. I stepped on the 184th
There is no time to continue climbing the Western adventure or sincerity
My voice is big because Lao Tzu is really loud
Music in the eight characters
You say “I’m pursuing the sense of hearing”
I just slow down my Flow 100 times now and you can step on your mind.
Every Body Sing Dat ****
The new cut moon of the two knives
Do you just want to be?
Then yeah tonight
Ice Paper:
No matter how long the plot will always have an ending scene
We choose to stop and stop for a step slower.
Hungry like a barbarian
But bravely realize and record
Bobs that have been forgotten by the world
The purpose of traveling to the island is the gold and silver treasure left by the predecessors
Use your palm to melt into the pocket watch that is close to the heart
Buried in the inconspicuous corner
Who will come to find who dares to search
Click on the bonfire without consequences
Why not let us wake up, whether you are the first generation, you are the first generation
Why do you want to worship the pseudo -God?
Since the most traditional transmission seems to be sick
Then avoid my fate to abolish this eye hunting order
A contract with instrumental music in July of Lagerstroemia flowers
Qi Festival is getting scarce and scarce and is ridiculed by the times
Connect with the sun
Right when you do not distinguish day and night
Tear the tunnel of time and space
Close to the eternal free-out
Gao Tianzuo Trouble.z:
Specify my chips higher
Ready to be with you at any time
I want to get up 3BET before turning
I will call with you for a second
We were made by the Chinese team
But what I want to make is dollar
Trade on the outside of the maritime
All you sell are cover
Twenty -thousand Boombap has no opponent, even the name is Melo
Good morning to win a Grand Slam, otherwise you can’t satisfy your appetite
Let Paper knock on a Beat?
Because Kandi is a atomic bomb Flyfly, Flyfly fry you all
TGK made Rapper IDs all frown collectively
90,000 feel so sexy quietly lives in your Radio
BIG Year does not ** God opened Window for him
Busta, he has to make money and rap is his wine at night
Howcy da king He is king with energy we are hard
No artist’s life, but most of them have a little illness
I said my friend should take a breath this year
Seven years grinding a manufacturer is not easy
Right, Lightz
It’s all in the muzzle level
I am in button and you slowplay
Come on? I want to learn about trouble here
I don’t love KO opponents I love to say OK to them
But do you want to kill me
My label tells you
No way
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Pinyin Lyrics Various Artists – Free-Out 2023 Cypher 歌词
