Run This(Japanese Ver.)-EXO空耳-中文谐音

Yeah let's go
What you say?嗖啦你咔咔該嘍 Fingers
What you say? 黑鬥裡弄口啦子 Heat up
What you say? 撒買路口頭那一 Fever
阿弄黑那哭西他九哦耐子某Bring back
What you say? kii米你米帶帶後西嗯大
What you say? Everybody 九嗯比哇一嘎?
What you say? 又比撒嗎塞嗎大Deeper
哦哭你耐木大呀塞哦一嗎 Bring back
某哇嘎路大嘍  口嗯牙 Who's the Boss?
哈帶那一呀報哦 弄報來 To the top
買咋四哈路嘎哦 Yeah we run this show
We run this show
We run this show
某哇咔路大嘍 口嗯呀 Who's the Boss?
哈帶那一呀報 弄報來 To the top
買咋四哈路嘎哦 Yeah we run this show
We go crazy It's getting ugly
Ugly It's getting ugly
Ugly It's getting ugly
Yeah Hahahaha
Aight let's bring it back again
Yes 撒蓋白 Loud Whoa 他大耐嘎五
Uh 大開傢那哭 C'mon 嗖口咔啦
Oh 咔咔該大又比帶 Shoot it Pow Pow
Oh 五他該弄哈幾嗎裡大 Pow Pow
let it go kii米某
一幾鬥 kii裡弄 Life
那你某 咔某 哇蘇來帶 Pow Pow
呀啦來幾嗎大那啦 Bow Down
某哇咔路大嘍 口嗯呀 Who's the Boss?
哈帶那一呀報 弄報來 To the top
買咋四哈路咔哦 Yeah we run this show
We run this show
We run this show
某哇咔路大嘍 口嗯呀 Who's the Boss?
哈帶那一呀報 弄報來 To the top
買咋四哈路咔哦 Yeah we run this show
We go crazy It's getting ugly
Ugly It's getting ugly
Ugly It's getting ugly
Let's do one more time. Let's go
Play that 木耐弄哦哭帶那嗯鬥帶某哭裡咔哎蘇一買哎
Play that 米他一又五啦蘇頭哈子塞kii米弄那咔弄不來kii
Play that 那在咔頭裡口撒口嗯那阿不那開嗯帶Tough那Game你
Play that Beat 頭咔啦嗯大 Flow奧嗯嗖古帶嘎開路 So chase me
某五哇咔路大嘍 口嗯呀 Who's the Boss?
哈帶那一呀報 弄報來 To the top
買咋四哈路咔我 Yeah we run this show
We run this show
We run this show
某五哇咔路大嘍 口嗯呀 Who's the Boss?
哈帶那一呀報 弄報來 To the top
買咋四哈路咔我 Yeah we run this show
We go crazy It's getting ugly
Ugly It's getting ugly
Ugly It's getting ugly
Ugly It's getting ugly
Ugly It's getting ugly