Xdinary Heroes《until the end of time》音译空耳


Xdinary Heroes《until the end of time》音译空

Xdinary Heroes《until the end of time》音译空耳

All this time I was blind

阿木够斗 莫拉搜

but now that I know

Birthday night blowing lights

呢咯尬能 就不了 波miang搜

那 怒色 苏 哦不搜搜

哈诺不西 喝咯尬能

努力也 吸干 莫九 苏 诺不色尬

嘿够 哦多尅的 南沟 西破几嘛

I know that the end is coming near

你囧哈gi 西咯

Nothing is forever no

You looked into my eyes

Said you’ll stay by my side

Until the end of time

一节能 阿加那

武林 用我哈 苏尬 哦大能 够

As the time passes by

穷囧 卡尬无救 尬 读咯忒久慢 尬

I’m breathing out but not alive

Cause deep inside I am dying

搜里七苏龙 莫gi 没哦 哇

哈诺不西 横不K冬

哥拿了 gi哦 弓都尬几斗 难

阿琴 莫等 给 搜苗阿gi嘛 难嘚

I know that the end is coming near

阿金 难 木搜我

No matter how still I can’t let it go

You looked into my eyes

Said you’ll stay by my side

Until the end of time

一节能 阿加那

武林 用我哈 苏尬 哦大能 够

I’m stuck in your lie

I’m still in the time

I’m stuck in your lie

I’m still in the time

All this time I was blind

阿木够斗 莫拉搜

but now that I know this
